IT Security

Security services provided by our specialists ensure protection of the company network and reduce the risk of data leakage to a minimum. We design and implement solutions in the area of physical security and cybersecurity to protect data against external and internal threats.

Discover the capabilities of Nomino:

Scope of the Service IT Security

We offer a comprehensive set of tools ensuring both the protection of IT infrastructure and buildings, as well as the protection of data and information against cyber threats and attacks.

Physical security

Physical security covers both design and assembly and management of systems to ensure the protection of facilities and the safety of people and resources. The access control system and video monitoring will allow you to control access to specific zones only for authorized people. Installing alarm systems will provide additional protection against burglary or theft. The integration of these three elements allows you to achieve a high level of physical security. Physical security also means selecting appropriate devices, including: UPS and power generators designed to maintain the operation of the hardware infrastructure in the event of a power failure.

Physical security

Data safety

We implement solutions that protect company data against unauthorized access, loss or damage. Their goal is to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability data.

Our qualified team of technicians will select the best one effective solution minimizing the risk of breach data by selecting and implementing appropriate systems, that will protect company data against leakage, as well as protect the network against infection.

Data safety

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