IT Security

Discover the capabilities of Nomino:
Scope of the Service IT Security
Physical security

Physical security
Alarm systems
We design, instal and configure alarm systems for buildings, to secure them from breaking and entering and theft
Physical access control
We keep our clients safe by physical access control systems, which can provide different level of safety and control for various parts of the building as well as various resources
CCTV systems
We build visual CCTV systems for our clients, by designing them, choosing the needed hardware, installing the system and later maintaining it.
Backup power supply
Safety is also having a backup power supply in case of an emergency. We can choose the system to best fit your needs, from UPS devices to power generators to help ensure continuity of the companies systems
Data safety
Our qualified team of technicians will select the best one effective solution minimizing the risk of breach data by selecting and implementing appropriate systems, that will protect company data against leakage, as well as protect the network against infection.

Data safety
Data protection against leakage
We implement solutions that will protect company data against leaks, as well as protect the network against infection.
Password management
We offer the implementation of systems tailored to individual needs that enable secure storage, management and generation of passwords.
Antivirus programs
We implement complex anti-virus systems for workstations and servers that provide not only protection against infection, but also control of devices and applications to ensure maximum security.